On February 15th Ray Lozano, a nationally known prevention speaker, will be in Anne Arundel County. He will start his day at Southern High School where he will mesmerize the student body in an afternoon assembly. Last time he visited us, he had about 1000 kids highly engaged with his message about the dangers of drugs and substance use in teens.
Since 1986 Ray has educated the young while entertaining them with real-life stories. His Bio describes it as “ more of an improv then a lecture”’. His topics are always relevant to the students real life. He asks questions and gets them involved, resulting in post-assembly discussions. Parents might even hear about his visit as a highlight of the day.
On his website RAYLAZANO.com he talks about Vaping, marijuana, drunk driving, and other aspects of drug use dangers and prevention.
Ray will follow up as a guest at the Deale Elks Lodge where the South County Bridges to a Drug Free Community is holding a recruitment meeting . We have asked Ray to host a Q&A sessions around “What works in Drug & Substance prevention”
A quote from Ray tells it all
“ I truly believe our young people have amazing potential. With the right tools and direction, that potential can be realized and even soar. My mission is to make a difference in the lives of young people and teach them to do the same in others.”
By Linda Buchannan