During the first half of 2021, there were 380 total opioid overdoses in Anne Arundel County. 80 of those were fatal. In the city of Annapolis, there were 82 overdoses, 15 of which were fatal. The most common substance in fatal overdoses is fentanyl. While the total number of overdoses county- and city-wide has declined, the number of fatalities remains high. The chart below shows year-to-date totals compared to previous years.

One factor to consider regarding fatal and non-fatal overdoses is the increase in use of the overdose-reversing medication naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan. So far this year, Narcan has been given 298 times. The next chart reveals the life-saving impact of this medication.

You do not need to be a medical professional to give naloxone if you witness someone experiencing an overdose. The medication is safe and has saved many lives. The Substance Misuse Prevention Coalitions of Anne Arundel County offer Narcan training for free. After learning how to identify the signs of an overdose, how to administer Narcan and care for the person while awaiting emergency assistance, participants are issued a kit containing 2 doses of nasal Narcan. The more people who are trained in life-saving techniques, the fewer deaths we will suffer as a community.
To register for free, virtual Narcan training, visit www.PreventSubstanceMisuse.org/narcan-training