Western Anne Arundel County
Substance Abuse Prevention
WASP is taking the sting out of Alcohol Crashes, Binge Drinking
and Underage Drinking.
Our Mission
To bring awareness and strategies to prevent substance misuse and mental health disorders and promote safe and healthy behaviors.
Our Vision
Unite communities and establishments using collaborative initiatives to build a safe environment for our youth and community.
Our Goals
- To collaborate with the community stakeholders
- Reduce underage drinking among youth and binge drinking
- Reduce substance misuse
- Reduce and dismantle the stigma associated with substance misuse and mental health disorders.
- Develop and implement culturally proficient, evidence-based environmental prevention strategies.
Our Strategies
- Compliance checks of liquor establishments
- Implement awareness activities
- Educate parents, youth and the community
- Provide media advocacy
- Provide education to the community or your organization

Attention Owners and Managers of Alcohol-Selling Establishments in Anne Arundel County!
Do you have a few minutes to answer some questions that will help guide us in creating the standards which will serve as the foundation for the Safe County Alliance initiative? The survey takes approximately 3 minutes to complete. We appreciate your insight and time.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to Caitlin Hall at DOH, 410-222-1841 or hdhall44@aacounty.org