Don’t be A Party to Teenage Drinking!
This is a public awareness program educating communities and parents about the health and safety risks of serving alcohol at teen parties. The program takes place at state and local levels, concentrating on celebratory times for youth, such as homecoming, holidays, prom, graduation and other times when underage drinking parties are prevalent. This program encourages parents and the ENTIRE community to send a unified message that teen alcohol consumption is unhealthy, unsafe and unacceptable.
- AAC is ranked third highest for the number of fatalities and ranked third highest for the number of serious injuries in the statewide top five jurisdiction by fatalities and injury frequencies within the Strategic Highway Safety Plan Emphasis Areas for the period of 2010 to 2012 (MVA/MHSO).
- According to the AACDOH Youth Substance Use Consumption Survey (2013), twenty-seven percent of 12-20 year olds in AAC admitted to drinking within the last 30 days (N=4500). Only one third of those surveyed saw a risk in binge drinking. However, over the last three years, 11 people under 21 have died in alcohol-related car crashes in AAC. In seven of those crashes the driver was underage and under the influence. Statewide, 64 people under 21 were killed in drunken driving accidents, 38 of them while under the influence of alcohol (MVA/MHSO, 2010-2013 part.)
- An analysis of AACDOH Youth Substance Use Survey data show that the social availability and social access of alcohol is caused in large part by the provision of alcohol to underage persons. Older siblings or other relatives provide alcohol to underage persons. Older friends supply alcohol. Parents do not monitor the alcohol in the home and youth take it. As noted in the AACDOH Youth Substance Use Survey Report of 4500 youth ages 12-20, youth obtain their alcohol in the following ways:
- 31% I gave someone money to buy it;
- 21% some other way ;
- 43% someone gave it to me; and,
- 17% I took it from a family member.
Parents Who Host Lose the Most is a parent awareness and education program that will reduce alcohol-impaired driving. The Parents Who Host Lose the Most Campaign was made possible by a Grant from the Maryland Highway Safety Office to the Anne Arundel County Department of Health. Distribution of the materials is being coordinated by the coalitions.
If parents are educated through Parents Who Host Lose The Most campaign, then more parents will have increased awareness of health and safety issues of underage drinking as well as knowledge of state underage drinking laws. If more parents are aware of health and safety issues of underage drinking as well as knowledge of state underage drinking laws, then fewer parents will be likely to provide alcohol to underage youth. If fewer parents provide alcohol to underage youth, then there will be a decrease in underage youth obtaining alcohol. If there is a decrease in underage youth obtaining alcohol, then there will be a decrease in underage drinking in AAC.
Here are the materials which are available:
- Parents Who Host Frequently Asked Question Cards that provide information about the legal, health and safety information associated with hosting or providing alcohol at underage drinking parties. They can be distributed at events, meetings, Back to School nights, PTA’s and businesses;
- Parents Who Host table tents are 5×13, 2-sided table tents. They can be placed on restaurant tables, business lunch room tables, event dinner table centerpieces, hotel registration counters, doctor’s office waiting room tables and retail outlets;
- Parents Who Host “Big Mistake” is a 30 second video Public Service Announcement on DVD. It can be played at community events, community presentations, medical waiting rooms, back to school nights, PTA meetings, parent gatherings, social media and display tables;
- Parents Who Host vinyl banners 26×48 with stitching and metal grommets. The banner can be borrowed for display in schools or business yards, grocery stores, ball field fencing, community events and health fairs;
- Parents Who Host Clear Static Clings to show support in your business, school or vehicle;
- Parents Who Host Yard Signs with stakes are 1′ x 2′ temporary signage to show your support in front of consenting businesses, homes, events and communities; and,
- Parents Who Host Posters 11×17 posters to hang in businesses, schools, public bulletin boards and businesses.
To request any of these materials please contact us here, or call Heather Eshleman at 410-222-6724.